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Kyutech-UPM Mobility Program in February 2020


23 students and staffs from University Putra Malaysia (UPM) visited Kyutech from February 10th to 23rd in 2020 for the Mobility Program arranged between Kyutech and UPM.

The 23 participants have learnt basic contents of Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Workshop of LEGO?SERIOUS?PLAY method and materials, Japanese language, Japanese culture, and Japanese technologies at TOTO Museum.

At Kokura-Nishi High School, UPM participants and the high school students took a mathematics class together and experienced a traditional tea ceremony.

UPM participants gained a lot of new experience and Kyutech students have also learnt many things from the UPM students.

At Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

At Kokura-Nishi High School

Workshop of LEGO?SERIOUS?PLAY method and materials

Japanese Calligraphy Lesson

TOTO Museum

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