Kyutech is ranked in Japan University Rankings 2018, which Times Higher Education reports the top-ranked universities in Japan since last year.
This ranking is basically focused on the “Education performances” among Japanese universities: all universities are generally evaluated by the 4 broad “pillars” (“Resources”, “Engagement”, “Outcome” and “Environment”) and 13 metrics. These metrics are calculated by the total number of students, the amount of research income (research competitive funds) and the reputation by high school teachers, researchers at higher educational institutions and personnel affairs staff of companies.
Kyutech is ranked #24 in 2018 moving up 4 places from last year's position among all Japanese Universities. Also Kyutech is ranked #17 (previously ranked #19 in 2017) among all Japanese National Universities and ranked #3 (previously ranked #4 in 2017) among all universities in Kyushu area. Furthermore, Kyutech is ranked in all 4 broad “pillars”, especially ranked #29 (previously ranked #30 in 2017) in “Outcome” among all universities in Japan.
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