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International joint research exchange program with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia under the JST Sakura Science Program


Kyushu Institute of Technology has been selected by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) for the “Sakura Science Program” (in charge: Prof. Maki Oshita, Department of Intelligent Communication Engineering, Faculty of Information Engineering) to conduct an international joint research project for three weeks from January 12 to February 1, 2025. One faculty member (Prof. Mohd Shahrizal Sunar, Director of Institute of Human Centered Engineering (iHumEn)) and three graduate students from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, one of our partner universities, were invited to conduct international joint research at the Oshita Laboratory on the Iizuka Campus under the theme “International Joint Research on Virtual Reality Using Motion Capture Technology.

During the three-week research period, the students learned the basics of motion capture and AI technologies, and were able to develop a fitness training system using Unity and Python. The results of this joint research will be presented at international conferences and journals in the future. During the period of the invitation, the invited students also interacted with Japanese and foreign students of Kyutech, and the invitees from Bangladesh under another Sakura Science Program, and toured Iizuka and Fukuoka City.

Prof. Mohd Shahrizal Sunar visited the Tobata and Wakamatsu campuses, had a meeting with the Vice President (Prof. Kamiya) and professors in charge of communicating with UTM (Prof. Shimizu, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, and Associate Prof. Ando, Faculty of Biomolecular Information Engineering), and had a meeting with the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (Prof. Sakamoto). The participants exchanged information and opinions on future inter-university exchanges and other matters. We expect that this international joint research will lead to further development of inter-university exchange with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Joint research activity 1

Joint research activity 1

 Joint research activity 2

Joint research activity 2

 Presentation of final results

Presentation of final results

 Certificate award

Certificate award

Meeting with the Dean

Meeting with the Dean

 Meeting with the Vice President and professors in charge of communicating with UTM

Meeting with the Vice President and professors in charge of communicating with UTM

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