Two groups from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) visited Kyutech for 14 days each, from September 2 to 15 and from September 16 to 29, 2024. The first group consisted of 21 students and 1 staff member, and the second group consisted of 19 students and 1 staff member.
The programs were led by the Institute of Liberal Arts, and UPM students participated “International Collaboration Learning (ICL)” sessions (facilitated by Associate Professor Tsai Peii, Institute of Liberal Arts), discussing the theme of “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) with Kyutech students. In the workshops held prior to the ICL sessions, students discussed partnerships for promoting the SDGs after brief lectures on “SDGs and Trans-Science” and “SDGs and Citizens’ movements” (facilitated by Associate Professor Hirofumi Saito and Professor Reiko Kato, Institute of Liberal Arts).
They also experienced Kyushu Institute of Technology's specialized education through a lecture by Associate Professor Yoshiaki Yoshida (Department of Materials Science) on “Development of Sustainable Materials Derived from Carbon Dioxide and Waste Sulfur,” and a robot development workshop by the student project Hibikino-Musashi@Home. Other activities included visits to Yaskawa Electric Corporation, Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center, and Kitakyushu Science and Research Park, and activities in Kokura with their Kyutech buddies.
For the participating students, the program provided an opportunity to learn about the latest technologies and SDGs initiatives in Japan, Kitakyushu, and Kyushu Institute of Technology, and to imagine a sustainable future.